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About ACMA

ACMA is a U.S. trade association that founded to issue Free Sale Certificates to cosmetic manufacturers. It based upon evaluation of their quality control standards and good manufacturing practices.
When a member submits a request for a Free Sale Certificate, ACMA will ascertain that their products intended to export are the same as the products that sold freely in the United States in interstate commerce.

Free sale certificate is a document issued by a government agency confirming that products such as cosmetics are prepared for unlimited sale in the country of origin or export. Certain nations require a certificate of free sale issued by the origin country government on specified imported product categories.

Free sale certificateis essential for the cosmetics manufacturers to demonstrate that the product meets the various requirements for safety and health.

ACMA will then issue a "Free Sale Certificate" to the manufacturer for said export. 
All issued FSC by ACMA approved from U.S Legalization for further processing to obtain an apostle or authentication from the U.S. Department of State and the required embassy. 

1050 17th Street, NW, Suite 600
Washington D.C. 20036-4702
Tel: (202) 347 - 5800
Copyright, ACMA, 2010. All rights reserved